#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
17ZW0|1|LA+ 7ZW0|1|LD (rep)Large subunit ribosomal RNA + 5.8S ribosomal RNA25S ribosomal RNA (RDN25-1), 5.8S ribosomal RNA (RDN58-1)Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303EukaryaRF02543 + RF00002FAP-80S Complex - Rotated stateElectron microscopy2.42022-10-05
28AGX|1|f+ 8AGX|1|iLarge subunit ribosomal RNA + 5.8S ribosomal RNA25S rRNA, 5.8S rRNASaccharomyces cerevisiaeEukaryaRF02543 + RF00002Yeast RQC complex in state with the RING domain of Ltn1 in the IN positionElectron microscopy2.42023-03-08
37TOP|1|A25S+ 7TOP|1|A58SLarge subunit ribosomal RNA + 5.8S ribosomal RNA25S rRNA, 5.8S rRNASaccharomyces cerevisiaeEukaryaRF02543 + RF00002Yeast 80S ribosome bound with the ALS/FTD-associated dipeptide repeat protein PR20Electron microscopy2.42022-05-25
48AAF|1|f+ 8AAF|1|iLarge subunit ribosomal RNA + 5.8S ribosomal RNA25S rRNA, 5.8S rRNASaccharomyces cerevisiaeEukaryaRF02543 + RF00002Yeast RQC complex in state GElectron microscopy2.52023-03-08
57ZUX|1|5+ 7ZUX|1|3Large subunit ribosomal RNA + 5.8S ribosomal RNA25S ribosomal RNA, 5.8S ribosomal RNASaccharomyces cerevisiaeEukaryaRF02543 + RF00002Collided ribosome in a disome unit from S. cerevisiaeElectron microscopy2.52023-02-22
67UOO|1|1+ 7UOO|1|2Large subunit ribosomal RNA + 5.8S ribosomal RNA25S rRNA, 5.8S rRNASaccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741EukaryaRF02543 + RF00002Nucleoplasmic pre-60S intermediate of the Nog2 containing pre-rotation stateElectron microscopy2.342023-03-15
77V08|1|1+ 7V08|1|2Large subunit ribosomal RNA + 5.8S ribosomal RNA25S rRNA, 5.8S rRNASaccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741EukaryaRF02543 + RF00002Nucleoplasmic pre-60S intermediate of the Nog2 containing pre-rotation state from a Spb1 D52A suppressor 3 strainElectron microscopy2.362023-03-15
87UQB|1|1+ 7UQB|1|2Large subunit ribosomal RNA + 5.8S ribosomal RNA25S rRNA, 5.8S rRNASaccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741EukaryaRF02543 + RF00002Nucleoplasmic pre-60S intermediate of the Nog2 containing pre-rotation state from a SPB1-D52A strain with AlF4Electron microscopy2.432023-03-15
97UQZ|1|1+ 7UQZ|1|2Large subunit ribosomal RNA + 5.8S ribosomal RNA25S rRNA, 5.8S rRNASaccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741EukaryaRF02543 + RF00002Nucleoplasmic pre-60S intermediate of the Nog2 containing pre-rotation state from a SPB1 D52A strainElectron microscopy2.442023-03-15

Release history


Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. Select one instance to see its 3D structure. Selecting two or more instances will show their superposition, but only chains with identical numbers of observed nucleotides will superpose well.

Nucleoplasmic pre-60S intermediate of the Nog2 containing pre-rotation stateELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.342935
Nucleoplasmic pre-60S intermediate of the Nog2 containing pre-rotation state from a SPB1 D52A strainELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.442933
Nucleoplasmic pre-60S intermediate of the Nog2 containing pre-rotation state from a Spb1 D52A suppressor 3 strainELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.362933
Nucleoplasmic pre-60S intermediate of the Nog2 containing pre-rotation state from a SPB1-D52A strain with AlF4ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.432936
Yeast 80S ribosome bound with the ALS/FTD-associated dipeptide repeat protein PR20ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.43194
FAP-80S Complex - Rotated stateELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.43217
Collided ribosome in a disome unit from S. cerevisiaeELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.53163
Yeast RQC complex in state GELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.53217
Yeast RQC complex in state with the RING domain of Ltn1 in the IN positionELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.43216

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. The ordering in the heat map is the same as in the table. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy. Click above the diagonal to select a range of structures, below the diagonal to select two structures.

Coloring options:

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