#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
14WRT|1|V+ 4WRT|1|R (rep)Influenza virus polymerase vRNA promoter 5' end, Influenza virus polymerase vRNA promoter 3' endInfluenza B virusCrystal structure of Influenza B polymerase with bound vRNA promoter (form FluB2)X-ray diffraction2.72014-11-19
24WSA|1|V+ 4WSA|1|RInfluenza B vRNA promoter 5' end, Influenza B vRNA promoter 3' endInfluenza B virusCrystal structure of Influenza B polymerase bound to the vRNA promoter (FluB1 form)X-ray diffraction3.42014-11-19

Release history



This classParent classesRelease idIntersectionAdded to this classOnly in parent


This class Descendant classesRelease idIntersectionOnly in this classAdded to child
NR_20.0_74156.1NR_20.0_74156.22.107(2) 4WSA|1|V+4WSA|1|R, 4WRT|1|V+4WRT|1|R(0) (1) 5M3J|1|V+5M3J|1|R

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy, up to 0.5

#S - ordering by similarity (same as in the heat map).
Crystal structure of Influenza B polymerase with bound vRNA promoter (form FluB2)X-RAY DIFFRACTION2.714
Crystal structure of Influenza B polymerase bound to the vRNA promoter (FluB1 form)X-RAY DIFFRACTION3.414

Coloring options:

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