#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
13J92|1|7 (rep)5S ribosomal RNA5S rRNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure and assembly pathway of the ribosome quality control complexElectron microscopy3.62015-01-21
23JAG|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of a mammalian ribosomal termination complex with ABCE1, eRF1(AAQ), and the UAA stop codonElectron microscopy3.652015-08-12
33JAH|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of a mammalian ribosomal termination complex with ABCE1, eRF1(AAQ), and the UAG stop codonElectron microscopy3.452015-08-12
45LZZ|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of the mammalian rescue complex with Pelota and Hbs1l (combined)Electron microscopy3.472016-11-30
53JAI|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of a mammalian ribosomal termination complex with ABCE1, eRF1(AAQ), and the UGA stop codonElectron microscopy3.652015-08-12
65LZS|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of the mammalian ribosomal elongation complex with aminoacyl-tRNA, eEF1A, and didemnin BElectron microscopy3.312016-11-30
75LZY|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of the mammalian rescue complex with Pelota and Hbs1l assembled on a polyadenylated mRNA.Electron microscopy3.992016-11-30
85LZW|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of the mammalian rescue complex with Pelota and Hbs1l assembled on a truncated mRNA.Electron microscopy3.532016-11-30
95LZT|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of the mammalian ribosomal termination complex with eRF1 and eRF3.Electron microscopy3.652016-11-30
105LZX|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of the mammalian rescue complex with Pelota and Hbs1l assembled on a UGA stop codon.Electron microscopy3.672016-11-30
115LZU|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of the mammalian ribosomal termination complex with accommodated eRF1Electron microscopy3.752016-11-30
125LZV|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of the mammalian ribosomal termination complex with accommodated eRF1(AAQ) and ABCE1.Electron microscopy3.352016-11-30
133JAN|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of the scanning state of the mammalian SRP-ribosome complexElectron microscopy3.752015-08-05
143JAJ|1|75S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAOryctolagus cuniculusEukaryaRF00001Structure of the engaged state of the mammalian SRP-ribosome complexElectron microscopy3.752015-08-05

Release history



This classParent classesRelease idIntersectionAdded to this classOnly in parent
NR_4.0_10255.1NR_4.0_66238.52.104(6) 3J92|1|7, 3JAG|1|7, 3JAH|1|7, 3JAI|1|7, 3JAJ|1|7, 3JAN|1|7(8) 5LZS|1|7, 5LZT|1|7, 5LZU|1|7, 5LZV|1|7, 5LZW|1|7, 5LZX|1|7, 5LZY|1|7, 5LZZ|1|7(0)


Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. Select one instance to see its 3D structure. Selecting two or more instances will show their superposition, but only chains with identical numbers of observed nucleotides will superpose well. Large structures are slow to display; this tool is not designed for that.

15LZY|1|7Structure of the mammalian rescue complex with Pelota and Hbs1l assembled on a polyadenylated mRNA.ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.99120
25LZZ|1|7Structure of the mammalian rescue complex with Pelota and Hbs1l (combined)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.47120
35LZX|1|7Structure of the mammalian rescue complex with Pelota and Hbs1l assembled on a UGA stop codon.ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.67120
45LZW|1|7Structure of the mammalian rescue complex with Pelota and Hbs1l assembled on a truncated mRNA.ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.53120
55LZT|1|7Structure of the mammalian ribosomal termination complex with eRF1 and eRF3.ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.65120
65LZV|1|7Structure of the mammalian ribosomal termination complex with accommodated eRF1(AAQ) and ABCE1.ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.35120
75LZU|1|7Structure of the mammalian ribosomal termination complex with accommodated eRF1ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.75120
85LZS|1|7Structure of the mammalian ribosomal elongation complex with aminoacyl-tRNA, eEF1A, and didemnin BELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.31119
93JAI|1|7Structure of a mammalian ribosomal termination complex with ABCE1, eRF1(AAQ), and the UGA stop codonELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.65120
103JAH|1|7Structure of a mammalian ribosomal termination complex with ABCE1, eRF1(AAQ), and the UAG stop codonELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.45120
113JAG|1|7Structure of a mammalian ribosomal termination complex with ABCE1, eRF1(AAQ), and the UAA stop codonELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.65120
123J92|1|7Structure and assembly pathway of the ribosome quality control complexELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.6120
133JAJ|1|7Structure of the engaged state of the mammalian SRP-ribosome complexELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.75120
143JAN|1|7Structure of the scanning state of the mammalian SRP-ribosome complexELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.75120

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. The ordering in the heat map is the same as in the table. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy. Click above the diagonal to select a range of structures, below the diagonal to select two structures.

Coloring options:

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