#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
17QI4|1|AA (rep)Small subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome at 2.2 A resolutionElectron microscopy2.212022-07-13
27P2E|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit in complex with IF3, GMPPMP and streptomycinElectron microscopy2.42022-07-27
36ZM6|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mRNA, A/A tRNA and P/P tRNAElectron microscopy2.592021-01-13
47QI5|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mRNA, A/A-, P/P- and E/E-tRNAs at 2.63 A resolutionElectron microscopy2.632023-07-05
57PNX|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Assembly intermediate of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit without mS37 in complex with RBFA and METTL15 conformation aElectron microscopy2.762022-06-15
68ANY|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with LRPPRC, SLIRP, A-site, P-site, E-site tRNAs and mRNAElectron microscopy2.852023-08-16
78CSS|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State D)Electron microscopy2.362022-12-14
86ZM5|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with OXA1L, mRNA, A/A tRNA, P/P tRNA and nascent polypeptideElectron microscopy2.892021-01-13
97QI6|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mRNA, A/P- and P/E-tRNAs at 2.98 A resolutionElectron microscopy2.982023-05-17
106VMI|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12s rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Structure of the human mitochondrial ribosome-EF-G1 complex (ClassIII)Electron microscopy2.962020-08-05
117PO3|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome small subunitElectron microscopy2.922022-06-15
128K2A|1|S1Small subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Cryo-EM structure of the human 55S mitoribosome with TigecyclineElectron microscopy2.92024-07-10
137PO1|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Initiation complex of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit with IF3Electron microscopy2.922022-06-15
147PO0|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Assembly intermediate of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit without mS37 in complex with RBFA and IF3Electron microscopy2.92022-06-15
156VLZ|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12s rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Structure of the human mitochondrial ribosome-EF-G1 complex (ClassI)Electron microscopy2.972020-08-05
166RW4|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Structure of human mitochondrial 28S ribosome in complex with mitochondrial IF3Electron microscopy2.972020-06-03
178OIS|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF0017728S human mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit with mtRF1 and P-site tRNAElectron microscopy32023-06-14
188CSR|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State C)Electron microscopy2.542022-12-14
198QRN|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF00177mt-SSU in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 4Electron microscopy2.982024-06-26
208OIR|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF0017755S human mitochondrial ribosome with mtRF1 and P-site tRNAElectron microscopy3.12023-06-14
218QRM|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF00177mt-SSU assembly intermediate in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 3Electron microscopy3.052024-06-26
227PO2|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Initiation complex of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit with IF2, fMet-tRNAMet and mRNAElectron microscopy3.092022-06-15
237PNY|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Assembly intermediate of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit without mS37 in complex with RBFA and METTL15 conformation bElectron microscopy3.062022-06-15
247PNZ|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Assembly intermediate of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit without mS37 in complex with RBFA and METTL15 conformation cElectron microscopy3.092022-06-15
256RW5|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Structure of human mitochondrial 28S ribosome in complex with mitochondrial IF2 and IF3Electron microscopy3.142020-06-03
268CST|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State E)Electron microscopy2.852022-12-14
278CSQ|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State B)Electron microscopy2.542022-12-14
288XT0|1|S1Small subunit ribosomal RNA12s rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Cryo-EM structure of the human 55S mitoribosome with 5um TigecyclineElectron microscopy3.22024-07-10
298XT2|1|S1Small subunit ribosomal RNA12s rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Cryo-EM structure of the human 55S mitoribosome with 10uM TigecyclineElectron microscopy3.32024-07-10
308CSU|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State C*)Electron microscopy3.032022-12-14
318QRL|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF00177mt-SSU assembly intermediate in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 2Electron microscopy3.342024-06-26
327L08|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Cryo-EM structure of the human 55S mitoribosome-RRFmt complex.Electron microscopy3.492021-05-12
338CSP|1|ASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State A)Electron microscopy2.662022-12-14
347A5I|1|A6Small subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Structure of the human mitoribosome with A- P-and E-site mt-tRNAsElectron microscopy3.72020-12-23
357A5K|1|A6Small subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Structure of the human mitoribosome in the post translocation state bound to mtEF-G1Electron microscopy3.72020-12-23
366ZSC|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with E-site tRNAElectron microscopy3.52020-09-16
376ZSD|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12SrRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mRNA, P-site tRNA and E-site tRNAElectron microscopy3.72020-09-16
383J9M|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Structure of the human mitochondrial ribosome (class 1)Electron microscopy3.52015-04-15
397OG4|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S mitochondrial rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with P/E-tRNAElectron microscopy3.82021-06-23
406ZSA|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome bound to mRNA, A-site tRNA and P-site tRNAElectron microscopy42020-10-21
416ZSG|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mRNA, A-site tRNA, P-site tRNA and E-site tRNAElectron microscopy42020-10-14
426ZS9|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with ribosome recycling factorElectron microscopy42020-10-14
436NU2|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA12S rRNAHomo sapiensMitochondriaRF00177Structural insights into unique features of the human mitochondrial ribosome recyclingElectron microscopy3.92019-04-17

Release history



This classParent classesRelease idIntersectionAdded to this classOnly in parent


This class Descendant classesRelease idIntersectionOnly in this classAdded to child

Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. Select one instance to see its 3D structure. Selecting two or more instances will show their superposition, but only chains with identical numbers of observed nucleotides will superpose well. Large structures are slow to display; this tool is not designed for that.

17PNY|1|AAssembly intermediate of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit without mS37 in complex with RBFA and METTL15 conformation bELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.06946
26NU2|1|AAStructural insights into unique features of the human mitochondrial ribosome recyclingELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.9923
36VLZ|1|AAStructure of the human mitochondrial ribosome-EF-G1 complex (ClassI)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.97944
46VMI|1|AAStructure of the human mitochondrial ribosome-EF-G1 complex (ClassIII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.96944
57L08|1|AACryo-EM structure of the human 55S mitoribosome-RRFmt complex.ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.49944
68XT0|1|S1Cryo-EM structure of the human 55S mitoribosome with 5um TigecyclineELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.2928
78XT2|1|S1Cryo-EM structure of the human 55S mitoribosome with 10uM TigecyclineELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.3928
88K2A|1|S1Cryo-EM structure of the human 55S mitoribosome with TigecyclineELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.9928
93J9M|1|AAStructure of the human mitochondrial ribosome (class 1)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.5923
107A5I|1|A6Structure of the human mitoribosome with A- P-and E-site mt-tRNAsELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.7928
117A5K|1|A6Structure of the human mitoribosome in the post translocation state bound to mtEF-G1ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.7928
128OIS|1|AA28S human mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit with mtRF1 and P-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY3950
138OIR|1|AA55S human mitochondrial ribosome with mtRF1 and P-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.1950
147QI6|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mRNA, A/P- and P/E-tRNAs at 2.98 A resolutionELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.98949
157QI4|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome at 2.2 A resolutionELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.21949
168ANY|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome in complex with LRPPRC, SLIRP, A-site, P-site, E-site tRNAs and mRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.85949
177QI5|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mRNA, A/A-, P/P- and E/E-tRNAs at 2.63 A resolutionELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.63949
186ZM6|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mRNA, A/A tRNA and P/P tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.59954
196ZM5|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome in complex with OXA1L, mRNA, A/A tRNA, P/P tRNA and nascent polypeptideELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.89954
206ZSG|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mRNA, A-site tRNA, P-site tRNA and E-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY4927
216ZSA|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome bound to mRNA, A-site tRNA and P-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY4927
226ZSD|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mRNA, P-site tRNA and E-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.7927
236ZSC|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome in complex with E-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.5927
247OG4|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome in complex with P/E-tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.8924
256ZS9|1|AAHuman mitochondrial ribosome in complex with ribosome recycling factorELECTRON MICROSCOPY4927
267PO2|1|AInitiation complex of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit with IF2, fMet-tRNAMet and mRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.09950
277PO3|1|AHuman mitochondrial ribosome small subunitELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.92950
287PO1|1|AInitiation complex of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit with IF3ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.92950
298QRN|1|Amt-SSU in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 4ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.98950
308QRM|1|Amt-SSU assembly intermediate in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 3ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.05950
316RW5|1|AStructure of human mitochondrial 28S ribosome in complex with mitochondrial IF2 and IF3ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.14950
326RW4|1|AStructure of human mitochondrial 28S ribosome in complex with mitochondrial IF3ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.97950
337P2E|1|AHuman mitochondrial ribosome small subunit in complex with IF3, GMPPMP and streptomycinELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.4959
347PNZ|1|AAssembly intermediate of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit without mS37 in complex with RBFA and METTL15 conformation cELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.09946
357PO0|1|AAssembly intermediate of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit without mS37 in complex with RBFA and IF3ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.9946
367PNX|1|AAssembly intermediate of human mitochondrial ribosome small subunit without mS37 in complex with RBFA and METTL15 conformation aELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.76946
378QRL|1|Amt-SSU assembly intermediate in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 2ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.34946
388CST|1|AHuman mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State E)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.85886
398CSS|1|AHuman mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State D)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.36844
408CSR|1|AHuman mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State C)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.54853
418CSU|1|AHuman mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State C*)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.03881
428CSQ|1|AHuman mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State B)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.54802
438CSP|1|AHuman mitochondrial small subunit assembly intermediate (State A)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.66737

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. The ordering in the heat map is the same as in the table. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy. Click above the diagonal to select a range of structures, below the diagonal to select two structures.

Coloring options:

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