FR3D search page

1. Describe the motif you are looking for, using (a), (b), or both.
a. For a purely symbolic search, specify the number of positions in the motif.   
b. If you have a set of nucleotides that form the motif, and you want to search for other instances according to the geometry of the motif, fill in the next two boxes.
Unit IDs, separated by commas:
Maximum geometric discrepancy:
2. To add symbolic constraints, click the Interaction Matrix button:
3. What structures from the Protein Data Bank should be searched? Use (a), (b), or both.
a. List individual structures (like 6ZMI) or chains (like 6ZMI|1|L5), separated by commas:
b. Specify a representative set to search by typing the release number: and the resolution cutoff:

4. Give your search a name (optional, only ASCII characters):
5. Email address for persistent link to results (optional):
6. When you are ready to launch the search, click the Search button:

Clear the entire form to start again:
Click an element to view help