#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
16QZP|1|S2 (rep)Small subunit ribosomal RNA18S rRNA (1740-MER)Homo sapiensEukaryaRF01960High-resolution cryo-EM structure of the human 80S ribosomeElectron microscopy2.92019-04-24
26EK0|1|S2Small subunit ribosomal RNA18S ribosomal RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960High-resolution cryo-EM structure of the human 80S ribosomeElectron microscopy2.92018-01-24
36G18|1|2Small subunit ribosomal RNApre-18S ribosomal RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960Cryo-EM structure of a late human pre-40S ribosomal subunit - State CElectron microscopy3.62018-06-06
46G5I|1|2Small subunit ribosomal RNA18S ribosomal RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960Cryo-EM structure of a late human pre-40S ribosomal subunit - State RElectron microscopy3.52018-06-06
54UG0|1|S2Small subunit ribosomal RNA18S ribosomal RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN 80S RIBOSOMEElectron microscopy3.62015-06-10
66IP8|1|2mSmall subunit ribosomal RNA18S ribosomal RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960Cryo-EM structure of the HCV IRES dependently initiated CMV-stalled 80S ribosome (Structure iv)Electron microscopy3.92019-05-29
76IP5|1|2mSmall subunit ribosomal RNA18S ribosomal RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960Cryo-EM structure of the CMV-stalled human 80S ribosome (Structure ii)Electron microscopy3.92019-05-29
86G5H|1|2Small subunit ribosomal RNA18S ribosomal RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960Cryo-EM structure of a late human pre-40S ribosomal subunit - MatureElectron microscopy3.62018-06-06
95AJ0|1|B1Small subunit ribosomal RNA18S ribosomal RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960Cryo electron microscopy of actively translating human polysomes (POST state).Electron microscopy3.52015-05-20
105A2Q|1|2Small subunit ribosomal RNA18S RRNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960Structure of the HCV IRES bound to the human ribosomeElectron microscopy3.92015-07-15
116G4S|1|2Small subunit ribosomal RNApre-18S ribosomal RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960Cryo-EM structure of a late human pre-40S ribosomal subunit - State BElectron microscopy42018-06-06
125LKS|1|S2Small subunit ribosomal RNA18S ribosomal RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960Structure-function insights reveal the human ribosome as a cancer target for antibioticsElectron microscopy3.62017-04-26
135T2C|1|AASmall subunit ribosomal RNA18S rRNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960CryoEM structure of the human ribosome at 3.6 Angstrom resolutionElectron microscopy3.62017-01-25
145A8L|1|BSmall subunit ribosomal RNAHUMAN 18S RIBOSOMAL RNAHomo sapiensEukaryaRF01960Human eRF1 and the hCMV nascent peptide in the translation termination complexElectron microscopy3.82015-12-02

Release history



This classParent classesRelease idIntersectionAdded to this classOnly in parent
NR_4.0_46995.7NR_4.0_46995.63.76(12) 4UG0|1|S2, 5A2Q|1|2, 5A8L|1|B, 5AJ0|1|B1, 5LKS|1|S2, 5T2C|1|AA, 6EK0|1|S2, 6G18|1|2, 6G4S|1|2, 6G5H|1|2, 6G5I|1|2, 6QZP|1|S2(2) 6IP5|1|2m, 6IP8|1|2m(0)

Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. Select one instance to see its 3D structure. Selecting two or more instances will show their superposition, but only chains with identical numbers of observed nucleotides will superpose well. Large structures are slow to display; this tool is not designed for that.

15A8L|1|BHuman eRF1 and the hCMV nascent peptide in the translation termination complexELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.867
26IP8|1|2mCryo-EM structure of the HCV IRES dependently initiated CMV-stalled 80S ribosome (Structure iv)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.91742
36IP5|1|2mCryo-EM structure of the CMV-stalled human 80S ribosome (Structure ii)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.91742
45LKS|1|S2Structure-function insights reveal the human ribosome as a cancer target for antibioticsELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.61742
65T2C|1|AACryoEM structure of the human ribosome at 3.6 Angstrom resolutionELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.61742
75AJ0|1|B1Cryo electron microscopy of actively translating human polysomes (POST state).ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.51708
86EK0|1|S2High-resolution cryo-EM structure of the human 80S ribosomeELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.91706
96QZP|1|S2High-resolution cryo-EM structure of the human 80S ribosomeELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.91707
106G5H|1|2Cryo-EM structure of a late human pre-40S ribosomal subunit - MatureELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.61665
115A2Q|1|2Structure of the HCV IRES bound to the human ribosomeELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.91665
126G5I|1|2Cryo-EM structure of a late human pre-40S ribosomal subunit - State RELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.51657
136G18|1|2Cryo-EM structure of a late human pre-40S ribosomal subunit - State CELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.61658
146G4S|1|2Cryo-EM structure of a late human pre-40S ribosomal subunit - State BELECTRON MICROSCOPY41613

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. The ordering in the heat map is the same as in the table. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy. Click above the diagonal to select a range of structures, below the diagonal to select two structures.

Coloring options:

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