#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
16XLW|1|B (rep)DNA/RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*(UD)P*UP*U)-D(P*(BRU))-R(P*CP*C)-3')synthetic constructCrystal structure of U2AF65 bound to AdML splice site sequenceX-ray diffraction1.52020-10-07
26XLV|1|BDNA/RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*(UD)P*UP*U)-D(P*(BRU))-R(P*CP*C)-3')synthetic constructCrystal structure of leukemia-associated N196K mutant of U2AF65 bound to AdML splice siteX-ray diffraction1.42020-10-07
36XLX|1|BDNA/RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*(UD)P*UP*U)-D(P*(BRU))-R(P*CP*C)-3')synthetic constructCrystal structure of cancer-associated G301D mutant of U2AF65 bound to AdML splice siteX-ray diffraction1.72020-10-07

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This classParent classesRelease idIntersectionAdded to this classOnly in parent


This class Descendant classesRelease idIntersectionOnly in this classAdded to child

Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. Select one instance to see its 3D structure. Selecting two or more instances will show their superposition, but only chains with identical numbers of observed nucleotides will superpose well. Large structures are slow to display; this tool is not designed for that.

16XLW|1|BCrystal structure of U2AF65 bound to AdML splice site sequenceX-RAY DIFFRACTION1.56
26XLX|1|BCrystal structure of cancer-associated G301D mutant of U2AF65 bound to AdML splice siteX-RAY DIFFRACTION1.76
36XLV|1|BCrystal structure of leukemia-associated N196K mutant of U2AF65 bound to AdML splice siteX-RAY DIFFRACTION1.46

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. The ordering in the heat map is the same as in the table. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy. Click above the diagonal to select a range of structures, below the diagonal to select two structures.

Coloring options:

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