#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
14AFY|1|D (rep)5'-R(*GP*GP)-3'synthetic constructCrystal structure of the FimX EAL domain in complex with reaction product pGpGX-ray diffraction2.012013-01-09
24AFY|1|C5'-R(*GP*GP)-3'synthetic constructCrystal structure of the FimX EAL domain in complex with reaction product pGpGX-ray diffraction2.012013-01-09
33U2E|1|CRNA (5'-R(P*GP*G)-3')EAL domain of phosphodiesterase PdeA in complex with 5'-pGpG and Mg++X-ray diffraction2.322011-10-12
43U2E|1|DRNA (5'-R(P*GP*G)-3')EAL domain of phosphodiesterase PdeA in complex with 5'-pGpG and Mg++X-ray diffraction2.322011-10-12
54X4U|1|HRNA (5'-D(*GP*G)-3')Homo sapiensCrystal structure of the A.fulgidus CCA-adding enzyme in complex with a human MenBeta minihelix ending in CCACCX-ray diffraction2.72015-02-11
64LQ3|1|R5'-R(P*GP*G)-3'Crystal structure of human norovirus RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase bound to the inhibitor PPNDSX-ray diffraction2.62014-02-12
71UVK|1|B5'-D(*GP*GP)-3'The structural basis for RNA specificity and Ca2+ inhibition of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase phi6p2 dead-end complexX-ray diffraction2.452004-02-19
81UVK|1|D5'-D(*GP*GP)-3'The structural basis for RNA specificity and Ca2+ inhibition of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase phi6p2 dead-end complexX-ray diffraction2.452004-02-19
91UVK|1|F5'-D(*GP*GP)-3'The structural basis for RNA specificity and Ca2+ inhibition of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase phi6p2 dead-end complexX-ray diffraction2.452004-02-19

Release history



This class Descendant classesRelease idIntersectionOnly in this classAdded to child
NR_3.5_89612.1NR_3.5_89612.22.136(9) 1UVK|1|B, 1UVK|1|D, 1UVK|1|F, 3U2E|1|C, 3U2E|1|D, 4AFY|1|C, 4AFY|1|D, 4LQ3|1|R, 4X4U|1|H(0) (2) 5UEF|1|C, 5UEF|1|D

Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. Select one instance to see its 3D structure. Selecting two or more instances will show their superposition, but only chains with identical numbers of observed nucleotides will superpose well. Large structures are slow to display; this tool is not designed for that.

14LQ3|1|RCrystal structure of human norovirus RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase bound to the inhibitor PPNDSX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.62
24X4U|1|HCrystal structure of the A.fulgidus CCA-adding enzyme in complex with a human MenBeta minihelix ending in CCACCX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.72
31UVK|1|BThe structural basis for RNA specificity and Ca2+ inhibition of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase phi6p2 dead-end complexX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.451
44AFY|1|DCrystal structure of the FimX EAL domain in complex with reaction product pGpGX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.012
54AFY|1|CCrystal structure of the FimX EAL domain in complex with reaction product pGpGX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.012
61UVK|1|DThe structural basis for RNA specificity and Ca2+ inhibition of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase phi6p2 dead-end complexX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.451
73U2E|1|CEAL domain of phosphodiesterase PdeA in complex with 5'-pGpG and Mg++X-RAY DIFFRACTION2.322
83U2E|1|DEAL domain of phosphodiesterase PdeA in complex with 5'-pGpG and Mg++X-RAY DIFFRACTION2.322
91UVK|1|FThe structural basis for RNA specificity and Ca2+ inhibition of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase phi6p2 dead-end complexX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.451

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. The ordering in the heat map is the same as in the table. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy. Click above the diagonal to select a range of structures, below the diagonal to select two structures.

Coloring options:

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