The RNA 3D Motif Correspondence Server allows querying RNA 3D motifs or specific nucleotide sets that are less than 30 nucleotides in length within an RNA-containing PDB structure. It then identifies corresponding nucleotides in other structures of the same molecule type, from either the same species or different species. The results are presented in a table based on geometric similarity, with more similar instances grouped together. An interactive heatmap with a 3D viewer visually displays the geometric differences between the motif instances. The formation of separate clusters in the heatmap may indicate variable motif geometries linked to biological function. R3DMCS is pronounced "Red Max".
The paper describing this web server has been published in Bioinformatics
If you use this tool, please cite the paper:
Appasamy, S.D. and Zirbel, C.L. (2024)
R3DMCS: a web server for visualizing structural variation in RNA motifs across experimental 3D structures from the same organism or across species.
Bioinformatics, 40, btae682.
Load Example 1
Decoding loop across E. coli small subunit ribosomal RNA 3D structures at 3.0A resolution or better. This example illustrates the dynamic nature of the decoding loop.
Load Example 2
Internal loop from the small subunit ribosomal RNA helix 27, compared across species in the associated Rfam family RF00177 at resolution 4.0A or better, and including just one instance from each species. Most instances have the characteristic GUA base triple of the sarcin-ricin internal loop, but in four mitochondrial species, the G is replaced by C and the C is bulged out of the motif, not participating in the base triple.
Load Example 3
GNRA hairpin loop from Helix 34 of the large subunit ribosomal RNA, compared across different species in the associated Rfam family solved at resolution 4.0A or better, with up to 3 instances from each species. This example illustrates how some structures (in this case, the models of Triticum aestivum) model the top adenine base of the GNRA in syn while others model that base in anti. Other variability is also evident.
Load Example 4
Internal loop from 7SK RNA solved by NMR. There are two structures in the equivalence class, each with 10 models. All 20 instances of the loop are compared on the output page. They illustrate variability in modeling bulged nucleotide U41. The 10 models from 6MCF cluster together, perhaps because they are all in complex with a protein, whereas the protein is absent in the 6MCI models.
In addition to R3DMCS, several other APIs are available, where one can input unit ids or loop ids or chain ids and get back useful information. The Rfam alignments in R3DMCS are based on the map_across_chains API at the link below. BGSU RNA APIs