Show Dim Hide Interaction
nested Watson-Crick basepairs
non-nested Watson-Crick basepairs
nested non-Watson-Crick basepairs
non-nested non-Watson-Crick basepairs
stacking interactions
base-phosphate interactions
base-ribose interactions
near interactions

Example 1
E. coli and T. thermophilus SSU rRNA; very good alignment and identical numbering by design; changes in helix length around E. coli number C188 and U209 are well known but lead to small deficiencies in the alignment.

Example 2
E. coli and S. aureus LSU rRNA

Example 3
E. coli and human SSU rRNA cross domain alignment; human has many insertions compared to E. coli

Example 4
human and yeast SSU rRNA

Example 5
H. marismortui and human 5S rRNA; note the scoring of the G-bulge at H.m. G78, U79.

Example 6