#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
14AQ7|1|B (rep)Transfer RNAE. COLI TRNALEU UAA ISOACCEPTOREscherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and leucyl-adenylate analogue in the aminoacylation conformationX-ray diffraction2.52012-06-13
23ZGZ|1|ETransfer RNATRNA-LEU UAA ISOACCEPTOREscherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and toxic moiety from agrocin 84 (TM84) in aminoacylation-like conformationX-ray diffraction2.42013-01-30
34AQ7|1|ETransfer RNAE. COLI TRNALEU UAA ISOACCEPTOREscherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and leucyl-adenylate analogue in the aminoacylation conformationX-ray diffraction2.52012-06-13
44ARI|1|BTransfer RNATRNA-LEU5 (UAA ISOACEPTOR)Escherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and the benzoxaborole AN2679 in the editing conformationX-ray diffraction2.082012-06-13
54CQN|1|BTransfer RNAESCHERICHIA COLI TRNA-LEU UAA ISOACCEPTOREscherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Crystal structure of the E.coli LeuRS-tRNA complex with the non- cognate isoleucyl adenylate analogueX-ray diffraction2.52014-07-02
63ZGZ|1|BTransfer RNATRNA-LEU UAA ISOACCEPTOREscherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and toxic moiety from agrocin 84 (TM84) in aminoacylation-like conformationX-ray diffraction2.42013-01-30
73ZJV|1|BTransfer RNATRNALEU5 UAA ISOACCEPTOREscherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Ternary complex of E .coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(Leu) and the benzoxaborole AN3213 in the editing conformationX-ray diffraction2.312013-04-17
83ZJU|1|BTransfer RNATRNALEU5 UAA ISOACCEPTOREscherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Ternary complex of E .coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(Leu) and the benzoxaborole AN3016 in the editing conformationX-ray diffraction2.42013-04-17
94AS1|1|BTransfer RNATRNA-LEU5 (UAA ISOACEPTOR)Escherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and the benzoxaborole AN2679 in the editing conformationX-ray diffraction2.022012-06-13
104ARC|1|BTransfer RNATRNA-LEU5 (UAA ISOACCEPTOR)Escherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and leucine in the editing conformationX-ray diffraction22012-06-13
114CQN|1|ETransfer RNAESCHERICHIA COLI TRNA-LEU UAA ISOACCEPTOREscherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Crystal structure of the E.coli LeuRS-tRNA complex with the non- cognate isoleucyl adenylate analogueX-ray diffraction2.52014-07-02
123ZJT|1|BTransfer RNATRNALEU5 UAA ISOACCEPTOREscherichia coliBacteriaRF00005Ternary complex of E.coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(Leu)574 and the benzoxaborole AN3017 in the editing conformationX-ray diffraction2.22013-04-17

Release history



This classParent classesRelease idIntersectionAdded to this classOnly in parent


This class Descendant classesRelease idIntersectionOnly in this classAdded to child
NR_2.5_02615.1NR_2.5_11709.13.0(12) 3ZGZ|1|B, 4CQN|1|B, 4AS1|1|B, 4ARI|1|B, 4ARC|1|B, 4AQ7|1|E, 4AQ7|1|B, 3ZJV|1|B, 3ZJU|1|B, 3ZJT|1|B, 3ZGZ|1|E, 4CQN|1|E(0) (0)

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy, up to 0.5

#S - ordering by similarity (same as in the heat map).
Crystal structure of the E.coli LeuRS-tRNA complex with the non- cognate isoleucyl adenylate analogueX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.579
Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and leucyl-adenylate analogue in the aminoacylation conformationX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.577
Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and toxic moiety from agrocin 84 (TM84) in aminoacylation-like conformationX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.480
Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and toxic moiety from agrocin 84 (TM84) in aminoacylation-like conformationX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.482
Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and leucyl-adenylate analogue in the aminoacylation conformationX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.579
Crystal structure of the E.coli LeuRS-tRNA complex with the non- cognate isoleucyl adenylate analogueX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.582
Ternary complex of E.coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(Leu)574 and the benzoxaborole AN3017 in the editing conformationX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.282
Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and leucine in the editing conformationX-RAY DIFFRACTION271
Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and the benzoxaborole AN2679 in the editing conformationX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.0879
Ternary complex of E .coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(Leu) and the benzoxaborole AN3016 in the editing conformationX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.479
Ternary complex of E .coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(Leu) and the benzoxaborole AN3213 in the editing conformationX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.3184
Ternary complex of E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA(leu) and the benzoxaborole AN2679 in the editing conformationX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.0282

Coloring options:

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