#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
17UW1|1|B (rep)5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii 70S ribosome-Streptothricin-D complexElectron microscopy2.212023-04-19
27UVZ|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii ribosome-Streptothricin-D complex: 70S with E-site tRNAElectron microscopy2.212023-04-19
37UVX|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii 70S ribosome-Streptothricin-F complexElectron microscopy2.352023-04-19
47UVW|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii ribosome: 70S with E-site tRNAElectron microscopy2.372023-04-19
57RYG|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii Ribosome-TP-6076 complex: E-site tRNA 70SElectron microscopy2.382022-02-02
67UVY|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii ribosome-Streptothricin-D complex: 70S with P-site tRNAElectron microscopy2.392023-04-19
77RYH|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii Ribosome-TP-6076 complex: Empty 70SElectron microscopy2.432022-02-02
86YSI|1|55S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumanniiBacteriaRF00001Acinetobacter baumannii ribosome-tigecycline complex - 50S subunitElectron microscopy2.52020-09-16
97UVV|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii ribosome-Streptothricin-F complex: 70S with P-site tRNAElectron microscopy2.52023-04-19
107M4Y|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii Ribosome-Eravacycline complex: 70S with E-tRNAElectron microscopy2.52021-05-19
117M4W|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii Ribosome-Eravacycline complex: 70S EmptyElectron microscopy2.552021-05-19
127RYF|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii Ribosome-TP-6076 complex: P-site tRNA 70SElectron microscopy2.652022-02-02
137M4X|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii Ribosome-Eravacycline complex: 70S with P-tRNAElectron microscopy2.662021-05-19
146YHS|1|55S ribosomal RNA5S ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumanniiBacteriaRF00001Acinetobacter baumannii ribosome-amikacin complex - 50S subunitElectron microscopy2.72020-09-16
157M4V|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii Ribosome-Eravacycline complex: 50SElectron microscopy2.542021-05-19
167M4Z|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumannii AB0057BacteriaRF00001A. baumannii Ribosome-Eravacycline complex: 70S with hpfElectron microscopy2.922021-05-19
176V3A|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumanniiBacteriaRF00001Cryo-EM structure of the Acinetobacter baumannii Ribosome: 70S with E-site tRNAElectron microscopy2.822020-02-05
186V3B|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumanniiBacteriaRF00001Cryo-EM structure of the Acinetobacter baumannii Ribosome: 70S in Empty stateElectron microscopy2.912020-02-05
196V3D|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumanniiBacteriaRF00001Cryo-EM structure of the Acinetobacter baumannii Ribosome: 50S subunitElectron microscopy2.952020-02-05
206V39|1|B5S ribosomal RNA5s ribosomal RNAAcinetobacter baumanniiBacteriaRF00001Cryo-EM structure of the Acinetobacter baumannii Ribosome: 70S with P-site tRNAElectron microscopy3.042020-02-05

Release history




This class Descendant classesRelease idIntersectionOnly in this classAdded to child

Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. Select one instance to see its 3D structure. Selecting two or more instances will show their superposition, but only chains with identical numbers of observed nucleotides will superpose well. Large structures are slow to display; this tool is not designed for that.

16YSI|1|5Acinetobacter baumannii ribosome-tigecycline complex - 50S subunitELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.5115
26YHS|1|5Acinetobacter baumannii ribosome-amikacin complex - 50S subunitELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.7115
37UVV|1|BA. baumannii ribosome-Streptothricin-F complex: 70S with P-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.5115
47UVY|1|BA. baumannii ribosome-Streptothricin-D complex: 70S with P-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.39115
57UVZ|1|BA. baumannii ribosome-Streptothricin-D complex: 70S with E-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.21115
67UVW|1|BA. baumannii ribosome: 70S with E-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.37115
77UVX|1|BA. baumannii 70S ribosome-Streptothricin-F complexELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.35115
87UW1|1|BA. baumannii 70S ribosome-Streptothricin-D complexELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.21115
97M4W|1|BA. baumannii Ribosome-Eravacycline complex: 70S EmptyELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.55115
107M4Y|1|BA. baumannii Ribosome-Eravacycline complex: 70S with E-tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.5115
117M4X|1|BA. baumannii Ribosome-Eravacycline complex: 70S with P-tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.66115
127M4V|1|BA. baumannii Ribosome-Eravacycline complex: 50SELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.54115
137M4Z|1|BA. baumannii Ribosome-Eravacycline complex: 70S with hpfELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.92115
147RYF|1|BA. baumannii Ribosome-TP-6076 complex: P-site tRNA 70SELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.65115
157RYH|1|BA. baumannii Ribosome-TP-6076 complex: Empty 70SELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.43115
167RYG|1|BA. baumannii Ribosome-TP-6076 complex: E-site tRNA 70SELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.38115
176V3D|1|BCryo-EM structure of the Acinetobacter baumannii Ribosome: 50S subunitELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.95115
186V39|1|BCryo-EM structure of the Acinetobacter baumannii Ribosome: 70S with P-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.04115
196V3B|1|BCryo-EM structure of the Acinetobacter baumannii Ribosome: 70S in Empty stateELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.91115
206V3A|1|BCryo-EM structure of the Acinetobacter baumannii Ribosome: 70S with E-site tRNAELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.82115

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. The ordering in the heat map is the same as in the table. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy. Click above the diagonal to select a range of structures, below the diagonal to select two structures.

Coloring options:

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