#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
15FLX|1|z (rep)Internal ribosome entry siteHCV-IRESHepacivirus CVirusesRF00061Mammalian 40S HCV-IRES complexElectron microscopy3.92015-12-23
27SYV|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IREShepatitis C virus genotype 1aVirusesRF00061Structure of the wt IRES eIF5B-containing pre-48S initiation complex, open conformation. Structure 14(wt)Electron microscopy3.92022-07-20
35A2Q|1|3Internal ribosome entry siteHCV IRESHepacivirus CVirusesRF00061Structure of the HCV IRES bound to the human ribosomeElectron microscopy3.92015-07-15
47SYW|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IRESHepatitis C virus (isolate 1)VirusesRF00061Structure of the wt IRES eIF5B-containing 48S initiation complex, closed conformation. Structure 15(wt)Electron microscopy3.72022-07-13
57SYX|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IRESHepatitis C virus (isolate 1)VirusesRF00061Structure of the delta dII IRES eIF5B-containing 48S initiation complex, closed conformation. Structure 15(delta dII)Electron microscopy3.72022-07-13
67SYN|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IRESHepatitis C virus (isolate 1)VirusesRF00061Structure of the HCV IRES bound to the 40S ribosomal subunit, head opening. Structure 8(delta dII)Electron microscopy42022-07-13
77SYT|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IRESHepatitis C virus (isolate 1)VirusesRF00061Structure of the wt IRES w/o eIF2 48S initiation complex, closed conformation. Structure 13(wt)Electron microscopy4.42022-07-13
87SYK|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IREShepatitis C virus genotype 1aVirusesRF00061Structure of the HCV IRES binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 5(delta dII)Electron microscopy4.22022-07-13
95OA3|1|3Internal ribosome entry siteIRES mRNAHepacivirus CVirusesRF00061Human 40S-eIF2D-re-initiation complexElectron microscopy4.22017-08-09
107SYG|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IRESHepatitis C virus (isolate 1)VirusesRF00061Structure of the HCV IRES binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 1(delta dII)Electron microscopy4.32022-07-13
117SYU|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IRESHepatitis C virus (isolate 1)VirusesRF00061Structure of the delta dII IRES w/o eIF2 48S initiation complex, closed conformation. Structure 13(delta dII)Electron microscopy4.62022-07-13
127SYI|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IRESHepacivirus CVirusesRF00061Structure of the HCV IRES binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 3(delta dII)Electron microscopy4.52022-07-13
137SYL|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IREShepatitis C virus genotype 1aVirusesRF00061Structure of the HCV IRES bound to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 6(delta dII)Electron microscopy4.52022-07-13
147SYH|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IRESHepatitis C virus (isolate 1)VirusesRF00061Structure of the HCV IRES binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 2(delta dII)Electron microscopy4.62022-07-13
157SYM|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IRESHepatitis C virus (isolate 1)VirusesRF00061Structure of the HCV IRES bound to the 40S ribosomal subunit, head opening. Structure 7(delta dII)Electron microscopy4.82022-07-13
167SYJ|1|zInternal ribosome entry siteHCV IREShepatitis C virus genotype 1aVirusesRF00061Structure of the HCV IRES binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 4(delta dII)Electron microscopy4.82022-07-13
174UJD|1|BCInternal ribosome entry siteHCV-IRESHepacivirus CVirusesRF00061mammalian 80S HCV-IRES initiation complex with eIF5B PRE-like stateElectron microscopy8.92014-07-30
184UJC|1|ACInternal ribosome entry siteHCV-IRESHepacivirus CVirusesRF00061mammalian 80S HCV-IRES initiation complex with eIF5B POST-like stateElectron microscopy9.52014-07-30

Release history



This classParent classesRelease idIntersectionAdded to this classOnly in parent
NR_all_12406.2NR_all_12406.13.240(17) 4UJC|1|AC, 4UJD|1|BC, 5A2Q|1|3, 5FLX|1|z, 5OA3|1|3, 7SYG|1|z, 7SYH|1|z, 7SYI|1|z, 7SYJ|1|z, 7SYK|1|z, 7SYL|1|z, 7SYM|1|z, 7SYN|1|z, 7SYT|1|z, 7SYU|1|z, 7SYW|1|z, 7SYX|1|z(1) 7SYV|1|z(0)

Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. Select one instance to see its 3D structure. Selecting two or more instances will show their superposition, but only chains with identical numbers of observed nucleotides will superpose well. Large structures are slow to display; this tool is not designed for that.

15OA3|1|3Human 40S-eIF2D-re-initiation complexELECTRON MICROSCOPY4.2186
27SYJ|1|zStructure of the HCV IRES binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 4(delta dII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY4.8162
37SYM|1|zStructure of the HCV IRES bound to the 40S ribosomal subunit, head opening. Structure 7(delta dII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY4.8162
47SYL|1|zStructure of the HCV IRES bound to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 6(delta dII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY4.5162
57SYN|1|zStructure of the HCV IRES bound to the 40S ribosomal subunit, head opening. Structure 8(delta dII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY4162
67SYX|1|zStructure of the delta dII IRES eIF5B-containing 48S initiation complex, closed conformation. Structure 15(delta dII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.7188
77SYW|1|zStructure of the wt IRES eIF5B-containing 48S initiation complex, closed conformation. Structure 15(wt)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.7188
87SYT|1|zStructure of the wt IRES w/o eIF2 48S initiation complex, closed conformation. Structure 13(wt)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY4.4188
97SYU|1|zStructure of the delta dII IRES w/o eIF2 48S initiation complex, closed conformation. Structure 13(delta dII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY4.6188
107SYK|1|zStructure of the HCV IRES binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 5(delta dII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY4.2162
117SYV|1|zStructure of the wt IRES eIF5B-containing pre-48S initiation complex, open conformation. Structure 14(wt)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.9258
125A2Q|1|3Structure of the HCV IRES bound to the human ribosomeELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.9257
135FLX|1|zMammalian 40S HCV-IRES complexELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.9264
147SYI|1|zStructure of the HCV IRES binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 3(delta dII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY4.5162
157SYH|1|zStructure of the HCV IRES binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 2(delta dII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY4.6162
167SYG|1|zStructure of the HCV IRES binding to the 40S ribosomal subunit, closed conformation. Structure 1(delta dII)ELECTRON MICROSCOPY4.3162
174UJC|1|ACmammalian 80S HCV-IRES initiation complex with eIF5B POST-like stateELECTRON MICROSCOPY9.5261
184UJD|1|BCmammalian 80S HCV-IRES initiation complex with eIF5B PRE-like stateELECTRON MICROSCOPY8.9261

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. The ordering in the heat map is the same as in the table. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy. Click above the diagonal to select a range of structures, below the diagonal to select two structures.

Coloring options:

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