#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
14V8U|1|CV (rep)Transfer RNAMRNA, RNAThermus thermophilusBacteriaRF00005Crystal Structure of 70S Ribosome with Both Cognate tRNAs in the E and P Sites Representing an Authentic Elongation Complex.X-ray diffraction3.72014-07-09
24V8U|1|AVTransfer RNAMRNA, RNAThermus thermophilusBacteriaRF00005Crystal Structure of 70S Ribosome with Both Cognate tRNAs in the E and P Sites Representing an Authentic Elongation Complex.X-ray diffraction3.72014-07-09
34V90|1|AVTransfer RNA5'-R(*UP*AP*AP*AP*AP*AP*UP*GP*UP)-3', RNA (77-MER)Thermus thermophilusBacteriaRF00005Thermus thermophilus RibosomeX-ray diffraction2.952014-07-09
43BBV|1|zTransfer RNAtRNA(Phe)Thermus thermophilusBacteriaRF00005The tRNA(phe) fitted into the low resolution Cryo-EM map of the 50S.nc-tRNA.Hsp15 complexElectron microscopy102008-10-21
54V68|1|AWTransfer RNAE-SITE TRNAThermus thermophilusBacteriaRF00005T. thermophilus 70S ribosome in complex with mRNA, tRNAs and EF-Tu.GDP.kirromycin ternary complex, fitted to a 6.4 A Cryo-EM map.Electron microscopy6.42014-07-09
64WT8|1|D3Transfer RNAA site tNA, E site tNAThermus thermophilusBacteriaRF00005Crystal Structure of bactobolin A bound to 70S ribosome-tRNA complexX-ray diffraction3.42015-01-21
73J9Z|1|S7Transfer RNAE-tRNAThermus thermophilusBacteriaRF00005Activation of GTP Hydrolysis in mRNA-tRNA Translocation by Elongation Factor GElectron microscopy3.62015-07-01
84V5A|1|AV+ 4V5A|1|AXMRNA, P-SITE RNA ASL-PHEsynthetic constructStructure of the Ribosome Recycling Factor bound to the Thermus thermophilus 70S ribosome with mRNA, ASL-Phe and tRNA-fMetX-ray diffraction3.52014-07-09
94V5A|1|CV+ 4V5A|1|CXMRNA, P-SITE RNA ASL-PHEsynthetic constructStructure of the Ribosome Recycling Factor bound to the Thermus thermophilus 70S ribosome with mRNA, ASL-Phe and tRNA-fMetX-ray diffraction3.52014-07-09
104WT8|1|C3Transfer RNAA site tNA, E site tNAThermus thermophilusBacteriaRF00005Crystal Structure of bactobolin A bound to 70S ribosome-tRNA complexX-ray diffraction3.42015-01-21
114WT8|1|C2Transfer RNAA site tNA, E site tNA, mRNAThermus thermophilusBacteriaRF00005Crystal Structure of bactobolin A bound to 70S ribosome-tRNA complexX-ray diffraction3.42015-01-21

Release history



This classParent classesRelease idIntersectionAdded to this classOnly in parent
NR_all_95556.3NR_all_95556.22.30(10) 3BBV|1|z, 4V5A|1|AV+4V5A|1|AX, 4V5A|1|CV+4V5A|1|CX, 4V68|1|AW, 4V8U|1|AV, 4V8U|1|CV, 4V90|1|AV, 4WT8|1|C2, 4WT8|1|C3, 4WT8|1|D3(1) 3J9Z|1|S7(0)

Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. Select one instance to see its 3D structure. Selecting two or more instances will show their superposition, but only chains with identical numbers of observed nucleotides will superpose well. Large structures are slow to display; this tool is not designed for that.

14WT8|1|C2Crystal Structure of bactobolin A bound to 70S ribosome-tRNA complexX-RAY DIFFRACTION3.475
24WT8|1|C3Crystal Structure of bactobolin A bound to 70S ribosome-tRNA complexX-RAY DIFFRACTION3.476
34WT8|1|D3Crystal Structure of bactobolin A bound to 70S ribosome-tRNA complexX-RAY DIFFRACTION3.476
44V68|1|AWT. thermophilus 70S ribosome in complex with mRNA, tRNAs and EF-Tu.GDP.kirromycin ternary complex, fitted to a 6.4 A Cryo-EM map.ELECTRON MICROSCOPY6.476
53J9Z|1|S7Activation of GTP Hydrolysis in mRNA-tRNA Translocation by Elongation Factor GELECTRON MICROSCOPY3.674
63BBV|1|zThe tRNA(phe) fitted into the low resolution Cryo-EM map of the 50S.nc-tRNA.Hsp15 complexELECTRON MICROSCOPY1067
74V8U|1|CVCrystal Structure of 70S Ribosome with Both Cognate tRNAs in the E and P Sites Representing an Authentic Elongation Complex.X-RAY DIFFRACTION3.776
84V8U|1|AVCrystal Structure of 70S Ribosome with Both Cognate tRNAs in the E and P Sites Representing an Authentic Elongation Complex.X-RAY DIFFRACTION3.776
94V5A|1|CV+ 4V5A|1|CXStructure of the Ribosome Recycling Factor bound to the Thermus thermophilus 70S ribosome with mRNA, ASL-Phe and tRNA-fMetX-RAY DIFFRACTION3.517
104V5A|1|AV+ 4V5A|1|AXStructure of the Ribosome Recycling Factor bound to the Thermus thermophilus 70S ribosome with mRNA, ASL-Phe and tRNA-fMetX-RAY DIFFRACTION3.517
114V90|1|AVThermus thermophilus RibosomeX-RAY DIFFRACTION2.9576

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. The ordering in the heat map is the same as in the table. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy. Click above the diagonal to select a range of structures, below the diagonal to select two structures.

Coloring options:

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