#IFEStandardized nameMoleculeOrganismSourceRfamTitleMethodRes. ÅDate
12DER|1|D (rep)tRNACocrystal structure of an RNA sulfuration enzyme MnmA and tRNA-Glu in the initial tRNA binding stateX-ray diffraction3.12006-08-15
22DER|1|CtRNACocrystal structure of an RNA sulfuration enzyme MnmA and tRNA-Glu in the initial tRNA binding stateX-ray diffraction3.12006-08-15
32DET|1|CtRNACocrystal structure of an RNA sulfuration enzyme MnmA and tRNA-Glu in the pre-reaction stateX-ray diffraction3.42006-08-15
42DEU|1|DtRNACocrystal structure of an RNA sulfuration enzyme MnmA and tRNA-Glu in the adenylated intermediate stateX-ray diffraction3.42006-08-15
52DEU|1|CtRNACocrystal structure of an RNA sulfuration enzyme MnmA and tRNA-Glu in the adenylated intermediate stateX-ray diffraction3.42006-08-15
68HSP|1|VTransfer RNAP-site tRNA_Glu, mRNAEscherichia coli BW25113BacteriaRF00005E. coli 70S ribosome complexed with tRNA_Ile2 bearing L34 and t6A37 in classical stateElectron microscopy2.322024-04-03
78HTZ|1|VTransfer RNAP-site tRNA_Glu, mRNAEscherichia coli BW25113BacteriaRF00005E. coli 70S ribosome complexed with H. marismortui tRNA_Ile2 bearing agm2C34 in classical stateElectron microscopy2.42024-04-03
88HU1|1|VTransfer RNAP-site tRNA_Glu, mRNAEscherichia coli BW25113BacteriaRF00005E. coli 70S ribosome complexed with tRNA_Ile2 bearing L34 and ct6A37 in classical stateElectron microscopy2.692024-04-03

Release history



This classParent classesRelease idIntersectionAdded to this classOnly in parent


This class Descendant classesRelease idIntersectionOnly in this classAdded to child

Heat map of mutual geometric discrepancy, in Angstroms per nucleotide. Instances are ordered to put similar structures near each other. The colorbar ranges from 0 to the maximum observed discrepancy, up to 0.5

#S - ordering by similarity (same as in the heat map).
18HU1|1|VE. coli 70S ribosome complexed with tRNA_Ile2 bearing L34 and ct6A37 in classical stateELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.6971
28HSP|1|VE. coli 70S ribosome complexed with tRNA_Ile2 bearing L34 and t6A37 in classical stateELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.3271
38HTZ|1|VE. coli 70S ribosome complexed with H. marismortui tRNA_Ile2 bearing agm2C34 in classical stateELECTRON MICROSCOPY2.471
42DER|1|DCocrystal structure of an RNA sulfuration enzyme MnmA and tRNA-Glu in the initial tRNA binding stateX-RAY DIFFRACTION3.171
52DET|1|CCocrystal structure of an RNA sulfuration enzyme MnmA and tRNA-Glu in the pre-reaction stateX-RAY DIFFRACTION3.470
62DEU|1|CCocrystal structure of an RNA sulfuration enzyme MnmA and tRNA-Glu in the adenylated intermediate stateX-RAY DIFFRACTION3.474
72DEU|1|DCocrystal structure of an RNA sulfuration enzyme MnmA and tRNA-Glu in the adenylated intermediate stateX-RAY DIFFRACTION3.474
82DER|1|CCocrystal structure of an RNA sulfuration enzyme MnmA and tRNA-Glu in the initial tRNA binding stateX-RAY DIFFRACTION3.174
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