4V6O Summary
- Structure title
- Structural characterization of mRNA-tRNA translocation intermediates (class 4a of the six classes)
- Authors
- Release date
- 2014-07-09
- Experimental technique
- Resolution
- 14.7 Å
- Chains
- 6 RNA chains from Escherichia coli
- 52 other chains
- Nucleic acid compounds
- Other compounds
- 16S ribosomal RNA, A site tRNA, mRNA, P site tRNA, 5S ribomosomal RNA, 23S ribomosomal RNA
- 30S ribosomal protein S2, 30S ribosomal protein S3, 30S ribosomal protein S4, 30S ribosomal protein S5, 30S ribosomal protein S6, 30S ribosomal protein S7, 30S ribosomal protein S8, 30S ribosomal protein S9, 30S ribosomal protein S10, 30S ribosomal protein S11, 30S ribosomal protein S12, 30S ribosomal protein S13, 30S ribosomal protein S14, 30S ribosomal protein S15, 30S ribosomal protein S16, 30S ribosomal protein S17, 30S ribosomal protein S18, 30S ribosomal protein S19, 30S ribosomal protein S20, 30S ribosomal protein S21, 50S ribosomal protein L29, 50S ribosomal protein L30, 50S ribosomal protein L31, 50S ribosomal protein L32, 50S ribosomal protein L33, 50S ribosomal protein L34, 50S ribosomal protein L35, 50S ribosomal protein L36, 50S ribosomal protein L1, 50S ribosomal protein L2, 50S ribosomal protein L3, 50S ribosomal protein L4, 50S ribosomal protein L5, 50S ribosomal protein L6, 50S ribosomal protein L9, 50S ribosomal protein L10, 50S ribosomal protein L11, 50S ribosomal protein L13, 50S ribosomal protein L14, 50S ribosomal protein L15, 50S ribosomal protein L16, 50S ribosomal protein L17, 50S ribosomal protein L18, 50S ribosomal protein L19, 50S ribosomal protein L20, 50S ribosomal protein L21, 50S ribosomal protein L22, 50S ribosomal protein L23, 50S ribosomal protein L24, 50S ribosomal protein L25, 50S ribosomal protein L27, 50S ribosomal protein L28
Pairwise Interactions
Interactions annotated by FR3D:- 1,540 base-pairs
- 4,537 base-stacking
- 112 base-phosphate
- 132 base-ribose
RNA 3D Motifs
In the current release of the RNA 3D Motif Atlas, 4V6O contains:- 115 hairpin loops from 0 motif groups
- 218 internal loops from 0 motif groups
- 68 junction loops from 0 motif groups
3D Redundancy
4V6O has chains which belong to the following equivalence classes in the current representative set:- NR_all_35542.142 (1)
- NR_all_10157.146 (1)
- NR_all_83717.148 (1)
- NR_all_56726.133 (1)
- NR_all_35045.1 (1)
- NR_20.0_35542.142 (1)
- NR_20.0_10157.146 (1)
- NR_20.0_83717.148 (1)
- NR_20.0_56726.133 (1)
- NR_20.0_35045.1 (1)
Similar structures
5J7L 4YBB 5J8A 5JC9 4WOI 4WOI 5IT8 4V9P 4V9O 5J7L 4V9P 4V9P 4V9P 5J8A 4V9O 5J91 6I7V 4V6C 5JC9 4V52 4V9O 4V7T 4V57 4WWW 6LKQ 4V52 4V57 4U27 5J88 4V7V 4V54 4WF1 4YBB 4U1U 4V64 4U26 4V53 4V9D 6I7V 4U24 4V7S 4U25 5IT8 4V56 4V9D 4V54 4U27 4V64 4V53 4V56 4V7U 4V55 4V50 4V9O 4WWW 4V4Q 4U20 4V55 4U1U 4V50 4U1V 4U25 4V6C 6BY1 5J88 4V4Q 6BY1 4U26 4V85 5J91 4V7T 4WF1 4U24 4U1V 4V6D 4U20 4V89 4V7S 4V6D 4V7V 4V6E 4V5Y 4V9C 4V9C 4V5Y 4V7U 4V6E 4V5B 4V5B 5J5B 4V4H 4V4H 5J5B 8B0X 8FTO 8AYE 7K00 8QOA 8G6W 8BIM 8BIL 8EMM 8QBT 8BGE 8R6C 8EIU 8YUO 8BF7 7S1H 7N1P 8AKN 8BHL 8HSP 7Y7G 7S1K 8YUP 9FBV 8R8M 7S1J 8HTZ 7O1A 7S1I 7S1G 7Y7E 8YUQ 7Y7F 8IFB 8YUS 8BHP 8YUR 7N2U 7N2V 7Y7C 7Y7H 7SA4 9AX8 6YSS 8BH4 7Y7D 9GUU 7UG7 9CG5 6XZB 9CG6 9MOR 7NWT 9AX7 7N30 7N31 6TC3 7ZTA 6TBV 9DUK 8CGJ 8EKC 8HU1 7N2C 6XZA 8P18 8P16 8QK7 8P17 9MQ4 9CG7 8BHJ 7M5D 9DUL 8G7R 7O1C 6Y69 8AM9 8BGH 7NSO 7ST2 5AFI 7BOH 9GUP 7OT5 7OTC 7B5K 8G7P 8FZH 8SYL 7OIZ 7P3K 8IFC 5NWY 7ST6 8G2U 6WD0 7TOS 6H4N 6WDE 6ORE 8GHU 5H5U 5WDT 5WFS 8CGU 7O19 7OIF 7OII 8B7Y 8FZE 8FZJ 7BOE 6SZS 8CAI 8BHN 7NWW 5MDV 9GUV 7NSQ 5MGP 6ENU 7AC7 7Q4K 7NAX 8PKL 7PJV 5WE4 7PJY 6YSR 6ZTP 6ZTO 6ZU1 8URY 6X7K 7NBU 6OM6 8G7Q 8FZG 8G7S 8FZI 8FZD 8Q4F 8CEP 7LV0 8T5D 7K53 7SSO 7ST7 7K54 6ENF 7SSN 8G38 8G31 8G34 5U9G 6WNW 5U9F 6WDD 3JCE 5UYM 6YST 7ABZ 8CGR 8UQL 6X6T 5MDW 7OIG 7ACJ 8FZF 5MDZ 9GR1 7OE0 7NAR 6C4I 8EYT 8R3V 8T5H 7JT1 7K55 7SSD 9GUQ 6WDG 6WD1 6WDF 8R3V 6OFX 6VWL 8PEG 6OG7 7CPJ 7QGN 9GUW 7K50 5O2R 7D6Z 7K52 6OGI 5WFK 5LZD 5WE6 8UR0 8A3L 7ACR 7NSP 7JT2 7K51 6WNV 6BU8 8RCL 8RCL 5LZE 5MDY 9GUX 6X7F 5U4I 6ZTM 7OJ0 6ZTJ 5UYL 5KCR 5IQR 6WDM 6WDK 8RCM 6WD3 6WD5 6WD2 8EYQ 8RCM 3JBV 5WF0 5LZA 6OSQ 6VWM 6VWN 5JTE 5JU8 7JSS 3JCJ 7JSZ 7JT3 6ENJ 3J9Z 6WDL 6WDJ 6WD9 6WD4 6WD8 6WD6 3JCD 6YSU 5L3P 6DNC 9GUS 6VYS 6VU3 6VYQ 6XDQ 6OSK 8PHJ 6ORL 5UYQ 6GWT 6GXM 7JSW 7SSL 7SSW 6W6K 6WDA 6W77 8UQP 6VYR 6Q9A 8K4E 7BOG 6OUO 5UYP 6GXO 6GXN 7SS9 6WD7 6OGF 5UYK 6O9J 7OE1 5KPW 3J9Y 5KCS 6W7N 8VSA 5KPS 7QG8 5UYN 6O9K 6WDI 6ZTL 6WDB 5KPX 7PJW 7BOD 6Q97 3JBU 6OT3 7D80 7BOF 6W7M 6VZJ 8VS9 6ZTN 5NP6 6O7K 6OGG 6WDC 8FIZ 8CF1 8K3O 5KPV 6WDH 7BOI 3JA1 7PJS 8CGI 6GXP 6NQB 8CA7 8RCS 7QGH 7NAT 8RCS 7O5H 6OST 6Q98 8PVA 8CAZ 3JCN 8JSG 5LZF 8CF8 7OI0 6XDR 7NAU 5LZC 6X9Q 6XGF 7NAS 5NO2 5NO4 5NO3 7AF8 7AFO 5LZB 8UPR 8UQM 8URI 8RCT 8RCT 7AF3 8JSH 7AF5 8UPO 7AFA 6W7W 7AFI 7QGR 8URH 4V5H 7PJZ 7PJT 5U4J 7PJX 7NAV 8URX 7AFD 4V69 6XE0 6AWB 7AFH 6XII 6VYU 6VYW 6VZ7 7AFL 4V6M 4V7B 4V7C 7AFN 4V7D 5MY1 6H58 6H58 6XIJ 6AWD 6AWC 4V6K 7AFK 6VZ5 6VZ3 4V7A 4V65 4V66 7PJU 4V6V 6VYY 6VYZ 6VYX 3DG2 6VZ2 4V6T 3DG0 4V7I 4V6R 4V6Q 4V48 4V6Y 4V75 4V6Z 4V6N 4V47 3DG4 4V72 4V6S 4V6L 3J28 4V6P 3J2A 5ME1 5ME0 4ADV 6VYT 3J2B 3J29 3J2C 5UZ4 4V73 4V79 3DG5 4V4W 4V4V 3J2E 4A2I 4V77 4V70 4V74 4V76 3J2G 3J2F 3J2D 3J2H 2YKR 4V78 4V71Structures from NR_all_56726.133